MES uses the biggest rotary drilling machine (capable to drill up to 1500 meters) in Afghanistan for deep well drilling. The direct rotary drilling method enables us to increase drilling speeds to reach greater depths in most formations. The borehole is drilled by a rotating bit and the waste material is removed by the special mud circulation system that also penetrates the formation to maintain the well wall non per mobility. The drilling bit is attached to the lower end of the string of the drill pipe, which transmits the rotating action from the rig to the bit. In the rotary system, drilling mud is pumped down through the drill pipe and out through the ports or jets in the bit; carrying the waste material in suspension to the surface. At the surface, the mud is channeled into a setting pit or pits where most of the waste material is sieved. The sieved clean mud is sucked up by the pump at the far end of pit or from the second pit and re-circulated into the system. The components of the rotary drilling machines are designed to serve two functions simultaneously; operation of the bit and continuous circulation of the drilling mud. Both are indispensable in cutting in maintaining the borehole.
Contact NowGeophysical prospecting helps to determine well location, depth and diameter. Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding array is the best technical for investigation of underground water.
Current and Voltage electrodes are lined up in the same direction. Voltage electrodes are placed inside and Current electrodes are placed outside. “b” refers to distance between two voltage electrodes and “a” refers to distance of each Current electrodes to center of the system. “b” distance is shorter than “a” distance (b £ a/5).
MES prepares geophysical study reports and well construction logs following completion of well construction works. These reports and logs helps our clients to a better understanding of the ground specifications and aquifer locations. Not only the aquifer locations but also the key parameters such as well depth, screen locations, pump location, well yield and pump testing results included in these well construction logs.